Indian Language Benchmark Portal

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Polarity detection movie reviews in hindi language
Richa SharmaShweta NigamRekha Jain

Nowadays peoples are actively involved in giving comments and reviews on social networking websites and other websites like shopping websites, news websites etc. large number of people everyday share their opinion on the web, results is a large number of user data is collected .users also find it trivial task to read all the reviews and then reached into the decision. It would be better if these reviews are classified into some category so that the user finds it easier to read. Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis is a natural language processing task that mines information from various text forms such as reviews, news, and blogs and classify them on the basis of their polarity as positive, negative or neutral. But, from the last few years, user content in Hindi language is also increasing at a rapid rate on the Web. So it is very important to perform opinion mining in Hindi language as well. In this paper a Hindi language opinion mining system is proposed. The system classifies the reviews as positive, negative and neutral for Hindi language. Negation is also handled in the proposed system. Experimental results using reviews of movies show the effectiveness of the system

Opinion Mining In Hindi Language: A Survey
Richa SharmaShweta NigamRekha Jain

Opinions are very important in the life of human beings. These Opinions helped the humans to carry out the decisions. As the impact of the Web is increasing day by day, Web documents can be seen as a new source of opinion for human beings. Web contains a huge amount of information generated by the users through blogs, forum entries, and social networking websites and so on To analyze this large amount of information it is required to develop a method that automatically classifies the information available on the Web. This domain is called Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis is a natural language processing task that mine information from various text forms such as reviews, news, and blogs and classify them on the basis of their polarity as positive, negative or neutral. But, from the last few years, enormous increase has been seen in Hindi language on the Web. Research in opinion mining mostly carried out in English language but it is very important to perform the opinion mining in Hindi language also as large amount of information in Hindi is also available on the Web. This paper gives an overview of the work that has been done Hindi language.

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